An event for a leading retail bank in the CEE region
A leading retail bank chose Bratislava as the location for its annual incentive event: we helped to make it a success. A gala dinner took place on the Friday night and the client opted to spend the evening on a ship anchored on the Danube River. We converted the venue into a “beer ship” serving a wide selection of beers produced by small Slovak breweries. Live music and excellent weather, complemented by a light river breeze, added a special atmosphere to the event. The illuminated landmarks of Bratislava – ancient Bratislava Castle and the SNP Bridge – provided a striking backdrop.
The second highlight was a CSR activity on Saturday. In cooperation with a local NGO, a children’s playground in the urban district of Petrzalka was completely cleaned and repainted. The parents and children who came to play there the following day greatly appreciated this generous gift to the residents of what is Slovakia’s largest prefab housing estate, built during the Communist period. We were also proud that we could help make this happen.